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Classroom Liaisons


Classroom Liaison Standards
Each classroom will have at least 1 Classroom Liaison. An effective Windham Academy PTO Classroom Liaison will

  • Be tuned in and proactively communicate with their class teacher and the Windham Academy PTO to stay current on class needs and school news.

  • Be organized and available to dedicate a few hours per week to their Classroom Liaison responsibilities.
    Regularly check email and responds to families, faculty, and Windham Academy PTO Board members in a timely fashion (expectation within 24 hours).

  • Be comfortable reminding and encouraging parents to contribute their time and resources for classroom needs.

  • Elicit support from other class parents to support class events and projects.

  • Lead parents by example, ie., volunteer at school, adhering to school policies and initiatives; always remaining positive energetic engaged, approachable and staying focused on uniting students, parents, and faculty/administration.

  • Must be a PTO Member.

Classroom Liaison Responsibilities
The following tasks are examples of ways a teacher may utilize their Classroom Liaison.

  • Establish Teacher needs and serve as a support system to compliment their educational mission. Agreed tasks will be reported back to the PTO Board.

  • Assist in organizing class events ie., class parties, large projects.

  • Coordinate as directed by the PTO Board initiated PTO events within classroom ie. collection drives, Teacher Appreciation Events.

  • Ask teachers input with PTO related projects i.e., class needs for a playground, Guest Speaker interest.

  • Attend monthly PTO meetings.

Classroom Liaisons should NOT coordinate additional projects unless agreed with Teacher and reviewed by the PTO Board. No decision should be made by the Classroom Liaison pertaining to the operation of the PTO. The PTO Board will communicate to the Director all process and procedures prior to the start of the above tasks. No communication should go out on behalf of the PTO without prior discussion.

Interested in becoming a Classroom Liaison?  Email our PTO.

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