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Daily Health Screening Forms

Please fill out one form per student before school every day. This screening is required by the State of New Hampshire. 

Monitoring daily symptoms can help detect the early onset of illness so that students and staff can isolate themselves from others and reduce their risk of spreading disease. Everyone has a role to play in protecting themselves and others. Self-monitoring for COVID-19 related symptoms is the best method for protecting yourself, family members, friends, and members of the school community.

If your child answers "yes" to ANY of the questions, please keep him/her home from school.


Parents should contact the school office to report absences and discuss symptoms with the school nurse if needed. 


It is extremely important that you immediately report the results of a COVID-19 test so that we can take steps to protect our school community.


Your family's health information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to take appropriate and necessary steps to mitigate the spread of disease.

Please select the survey link corresponding to your child's grade level. You must fill out one form for each child.
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