November 21, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Some brief reminders:
Our Food Drive is ending tomorrow. PLEASE HELP! We accept any non-perishable food item! All of our donations will be dropped off to the NH Food Bank in Manchester tomorrow afternoon.
Thanksgiving Recess - Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25
It's getting cold outside! Please make sure your child arrives to school with appropriate clothing to go outside in cold temperatures. Physical Education and Recess will still take place outside for all students if temperatures are 20 degrees or above.
Delays, Early Releases, Snow Days, and/or Blizzard Bag Days will be announced on the following media:
WMUR-TV (Channel 9 - TV & Website)
WCVB-TV (Channel 5 - TV & Website)
Boston 25 News (Channel 25 - TV & Website)
WHDH-TV (Channel 7 - TV & Website)
WBZ-TV (Channel 4 - TV & Website)
Blog & Email
Matthew Castonguay