In partnership with the Londonderry Rotary Club, we look forward to assisting Santa’s Elves again this year! We will be working directly with the North Pole and the US Post
Office to deliver your wish lists to Santa, and each child will receive a personalized letter back from Santa!
To participate, children may write their own letters to Santa. Attached is a letter format you can use if you'd like. To deliver your letter to Santa, do one of the following:
1. Drop off at the North Pole Express Mailbox at Londonderry Town Hall (in the Town Hall entryway)
2. Mail to the Rotary Club (address below)
3. Drop off at the Windham Academy Festival of Trees on 12/10/21
PARENTS: In order for Santa to write back, we need to make sure that the child's name and address is clearly written on the letter or envelope.
If you choose to use the mailbox at Town Hall (268 B Mammoth Road, Londonderry), it will be available through Friday, December 10th, during normal Town Hall hours (M-F, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM).
If you prefer to mail your letter, please send it to the Rotary Club (P.O. Box 451, Londonderry, NH 03053) by Wednesday, December 8th.
Absolute deadline for all letters: December 10th, 2021
We invite you to write Santa a letter, send him good cheer, and let him know how good you have been this past year! Once you hand-deliver or mail your letter, the letters are picked up by Santa’s Elves and taken directly to the North Pole. The Elves have asked that you please print your name and your address clearly on your letter and/or the Form so that Santa can reply from the North Pole!