It's almost time to head back to school! Whether you're new to Windham Academy or returning for another year, we know you have lots of questions. Please see the information below to help you prepare for the new year. This post will be updated as needed with additional information.
Student/Parent Handbook: This had LOTS of helpful information! Please download and read it.
Reopening Plan: The reopening plan is posted on the website and on the News page. If you have questions or concerns, please email office@windhamacademy.org.
First Day of School: We can't wait to see all the smiling faces on September 7! Parents - please remember that you may not exit your car to walk kids into school, take photos, etc. Please take care of that before you leave home. We will have extra staff on hand to make sure all students get to the right place!
Website: Please go to our school's main website for information, contacts, calendars, events, and more! There is a lot of great information available for you.
Who to Contact: Our school is growing! While Mrs. Labo and Mrs. Golden know everything and are excellent resources, we now have additional staff to support our efforts. Check out the linked page to find out who to contact. MOST INQUIRES SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO office@windhamacademy.org or to the main phone number. These are accessible to several staff members and your inquiry will be routed appropriately. Get to know all the staff - check out the staff bios on our website.
Ongoing Information: Mrs. Labo sends out regular newsletters and announcements via email. These are typically posted to the school's main Facebook Page and sometimes on the Families Facebook page. If you've missed an email, the best place to go is to our News Page on the website. All the emails/announcements will be posted there. Be sure to visit it regularly! If you have a question about an event, policy, or school business, email office@windhamacademy.org. You'll get a better and faster answer than on social media.
Uniforms: Uniforms can be ordered from Land's End. Non-logo items (i.e. bottoms) can be purchased anywhere as long as they are school colors. If your items haven't arrived by the first day of school, just wear school colors. We understand and it's not an issue!
School Supplies: If you ordered supply kits, they have arrived at WA and will be in classrooms next week. You're welcome to leave them at school (they include labels already!). If you are purchasing your own supplies, the supply lists for each grade are on are website (see link).
School Drop Off: Drop off is from 8:25-8:40. After 8:40, please walk your student into the office to sign in as tardy.
Dismissal: Please read the policy/procedures on our website. We have lots of cars this year! Please adhere to the dismissal policy and your assigned time. You may call the school if you have a need to pick up your child during another time slot. For those in the 1st time slot, please DO NOT arrive before 2:15. You may not pull up and block cars or idle in the lot prior to 2:15. *Display your colored number placard on your rearview mirror.
You will receive your placard during the teacher meet and greet times.
Events, meetings, dress down days, and more! Did you know that we have an events calendar on the website? Our goal is to post all committee meetings, special event days, etc. on the calendar. This is separate from the official school calendar for holidays, early dismissal, etc.
Social Media: WA maintains an official Facebook page for news and announcements as well as an Instagram feed. There are several other parent-run groups (Families of Windham Academy, Windham Academy Uniform Resale) and a Windham Academy PTO page. *Please remember that the Families of Windham Academy Facebook page is not the place to ask important questions. Yes, staff and board members are in the group, but as parents or teachers. It's a great place to arrange get-togethers, look for carpool opportunities, and find out when Pizza Day is, but please ask the board members or email office@windhamacademy.org for other school-related business.